International Astro Society

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Maa Vindhyavashini
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About Us

I started my career as a Software Engineer in 1989 in Kolkata. Bearing a good technical & logical sense and has a soft touch towards society and humanity.

My life has unfolded like a captivating narrative, weaving together the seemingly disparate threads of Ancient Science and Modern Technology. My initial foray into the professional world saw me as a Computer Lecturer, comfortably ensconced in the realm of logic and reason. Yet, beneath the surface, a deep-seated fascination with astrology, spirituality, and the veiled secrets of the occult simmered. This curiosity, nurtured during my college years, blossomed into a potent force that would eventually redirect my trajectory.

In 1999, I heeded the call of this lifelong intrigue and made a pivotal decision. Leaving the world of academia behind, I embarked on a new and exciting venture – the establishment of a computerized Astrological Center – Amrit Kalsh. This marked the start of a profound journey of self-discovery and a dedication to unravelling the mysteries encoded in the movements of the celestial bodies.

My pursuit of knowledge, however, wasn’t confined to the vast celestial map. I embarked on a relentless quest to expand my understanding of the interconnectedness of the universe. Astrology became the foundation upon which I built a rich tapestry of esoteric disciplines. I delved into the ancient art of Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Pranic Healing, Ramal Shastra, Dowsing.

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Numerology : Moolank - 2

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